Hey, first of all let me tell you something - I think this is the first time I post blog daily reflection entry on the same day as the day the class held on. I think I should add another 2012 resolution that I will post my music reflection blog entry every night after I attend music class, plus post 2 videos every week and not just posting 16 videos at a night before the end of the term. Ehm, so let's start with...
We started the class by the new year greeting by Mr. Herry and we listened to some of our classmates telling their stories about their holiday. I wasn't even sure that it was related to music but then Mr. Herry just made it such a way so that it can be related to music... After the discussion, we each received a post it paper to write the things we each know about Jazz. Actually I've known since the beginning that the topic for this term is Jazz, since on holiday I saw Mr. Herry posted some website URLs regarding on Jazz on his Facebook page. These are the pages I found on his page:
1. http://www.apassion4jazz.net
2. http://www.piano-play-it.com/jazz-chord-progressions.html
I haven't opened any of them but I will open in on the weekend.
After we filled on the post it, we are distributed into groups so that we could share the things we know about Jazz to our group mates (and so does in reverse), then summarize those information so that it can be presented to the class. Then, still in groups, we had to list the things we would like to know about Jazz. My group mates were Jesslyn, Sarah, Dzaka, and Jordi. Well, I didn't think that I contributed a lot while working together but at least I gave an idea to list "Jazz chord progression" for the things we would like to know about Jazz. I presented my group's summary to the class as well. But then I feel that I should contribute more on the next group works.
Nonetheless, by distributed to groups I receive some information from my group mates - that Jazz firstly comes from United States, precisely African - American people, that Norah Jones is also a Jazz musician.
After we're done with the group work, Mr. Herry gave us some handouts to read regarding on Jazz. We weren't asked to read but to play "When the Saints Go Marchin' In". I've known this song since I was in kindergarten since I used to have a keyboard back then and one of the songs provided in the keyboard is "When the Saints Go Marchin' In". We also received homework to do tonight so that it can be brought to school tomorrow but I don't think I can do it tonight - there are more works waiting to be done even before this homework is given.
We started the class by playing C scale in different beats - a good start since it has been a long time since the last time I touched my flute. Nonetheless, I think that I still play the flute as well as before. Then, we practiced playing "When the Saints Go Marchin' In". Until the end of the session I wasn't still able to play it well so I have to practice more.